heard a buzzing sound near the window in my office this morning and saw that it
was a bee. I am very allergic to bees. If I get stung, I have to go
right to the ER for a steroid injection. Since I don’t like to go to the
ER for steroid injections, I closed the blinds, trapping the bee between them
and the window. I listened for the buzz and then crushed the bee between
my blinds and the window with a very heavy book. The bee fell down to the
window sill, still moving and buzzing a bit. So I swept him to the ground
and smashed him with the book again. Then I picked him up with a wad of
toilet paper and flushed him down the toilet. Then I flushed again just
in case. I’m fairly certain that by the end of all of that, the bee was
as dead as a bee gets. There is no way the bee could have survived that.
is Easter week, the most sacred holiday in Christianity, and the basis of our
faith. Jesus died for our sins and was raised from the dead, and if we
believe in Him for our salvation, we too will be raised to eternal life with
Him. That’s the significance of Easter. But before there could be
an Easter resurrection, Jesus had to have been killed and then buried.
There is no resurrection without His death and burial.
amazingly, in spite of all that was done to Jesus, there are some who argue
that Jesus wasn’t raised from the dead because He didn’t actually die on the
cross. Oh yes, they argue, He was beaten beyond recognition, scourged,
forced to wear a crown of thorns and carry His cross to the place of
crucifixion. He was nailed to a cross, hung there for 6 hours to the very limit
of human endurance, was declared dead by the centurion, and stabbed in the
heart with a spear just for good measure. Then He was wrapped in linens
and put in a cold dark tomb. And yet somehow He survived that.
Between Friday night when He was buried and Sunday morning, so the argument
goes, the cool air in the tomb combined with a day of rest resuscitated
Him. He was able to recover, wiggle out of His grave clothes, roll the
massive stone away, and exit the tomb. He did all of this with feet and wrists
that would not have worked because the crucifixion spikes would have severed
the nerves in his wrists and feet. To top it off, He was able to escape
the notice of the Roman guards who were stationed at the tomb for the very
purpose of guarding the body, under the penalty of death if they failed.
is known as the SWOON theory. Its proponents say that medical knowledge at the
time was not what it is today, so they all mistakenly believed that He was
dead. He didn’t actually die, he only “swooned”, meaning that He fell
unconscious. I find this a whole lot harder to believe than the resurrection,
but such is the length that some will go to deny a historical fact. When
I was investigating the Christian faith to decide whether I would believe the
claims of Jesus, the fact that the tomb was empty was a tipping point. I looked
for an alternate explanation. If the Swoon theory was the best argument
that critics of the resurrection could make, then arguments against the
resurrection are extremely weak. When Jesus was laid in the tomb, He was
dead. There is no way Jesus survived what He endured.
is a religion based on faith, but it’s also a religion based on facts. You need
some facts to have faith. Paul said, in 1 Cor. 15:16-20, “For if the
dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised; and if Christ has not
been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Then those
also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If we have hoped in Christ
in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied. But now Christ has been
raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep.” Paul
should know. While looking for Christians to arrest, he saw the risen
Jesus Himself. Then he went around for the next 30 years preaching the
gospel, and suffering beatings, whippings, torture, stoning, shipwreck, and
finally martyrdom for his trouble. The only explanation for Paul’s changed
life is that he saw the risen Lord. That bee I killed did not come back to
life. Jesus did. The evidence is too compelling to deny. If
you struggle with belief, investigate the facts for yourself, and see if they
lead you to faith.
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